Tisdag 10 maj kl. 18.30 via Zoom. Anmälan krävs, se nedan hur du anmäler dig.

Christina-Akademien inbjuder till en föreläsning med Stefano Fogelberg Rota:
“At the table with Queen Christina: music entertainment and meals before and after her abdication from the Swedish throne.”In this lecture, dr. Fogelberg Rota will focus on three different episodes of Queen Christina’s life before and after her abdication that can be connected to German, French and Italianceremonial practices in which table music is involved.
The first one occurred in 1648 at the time of a German embassy to Stockholm, while the other two took place during
Christina’s travel to France in 1656 – when she was received by the Monsieur Louis Hesselin “intendant des plaisirs” of Louis XIV – and when Christina was treated in Rome to a sumptuous banquet by the newly elected Pope Clemens IX in 1668.
These three events will not only reveal, in their exceptionality, the different significance attached to music at Christina’s table, but they will, also, provide an informed survey of different practices of this custom in three different European courts.
Föreläsningen hålls via Zoom.
Notera att föreläsningen hålls på engelska. För anmälan/mer information, kontakta Christina-Akademien: info@christina-akademien.se
Föreläsningen är kostnadsfri för medlemmar i Christina-Akademien. Icke medlem betalar 100 kronor, ingår medlemsskap i föreningen för 2022.